Color of Christ
I find it disturbing that the goal for the new movie Color of Christ is to "introduce the black community to new ideas about Christ." Was I upset to see all of the pictures of a white Jesus while growing up? Yes, I was. But, to perpetuate another lie about Jesus' skin color is just as disturbing. We are just as sure that Jesus was not "Black" as we are sure that he was not "White." All we know about Jesus' skin color for certain is that he was dark.
What I am seeing and what I have seen is that whenever the Black Community attempts to combat Jesus' phenotype, we have done it in ways that are counter productive to the message of Jesus Christ: he died and rose from the dead so that we can believe in him in order to live. However, whenever the Christ's physical features are debated in an untruthful manner (i.e. arguing that Jesus was Black or more black than white instead of portraying him as a Hebrew), the message gets lost in the phenotypic jargon. It's quite unfortunate.
I don't think that we should allow ourselves to get caught in the net of vain ideologies. It's just not effective - at least not to me.
William, it perturbs me as well to see depictions of Christ as blond and blue eyed, eurocentric. He was an arab Jew, dark skin, dark hair and brown eyes being major characteristics, His people were from Africa after all. As a white boy from the south, I have no problem with that since blonde hair and blue eyes are genetically regressive genes. Christ was all colors, all people as He is the Lord, I don't care if he is purple with orange polka-dots. He is still Christ the Lord, not for how he looked but for what He did and stood for. He died for us so that we may live in Grace through Him.
I'm not a Christian, but I don't see how Christ's color matters.
I'd think it would be better for his believers to see whatever color they want, then to look inside Christ to find what is really important.
William, I think it is important to know the actual race of Yeshua (Jesus). When most people think of Yeshua they think of him as their God. Someone who they worship. Now as a blackman, or black people for that matter, one would be worshipping someone who is white. Praying to a white man, and praising a whiteman. I think this would have some mental effect on black people thinking that their God is a white man. Wouldn't you agree? And people, particually white, make him to look European when infact he was not. There are only 2 races in the world. Black & white. There are many shades of black, but only one white. So he was white or ethnic in race. And Yeshua came from a line of black men. Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses had to be men of dark color. What other color could they have been? People need to see Yeshua as he more than likely was. A man of color. Black people need to see him in his true light. This is one of the reasons the Europeans kept your ancesters in chains becuase of the mental slavery. Yeshua was a man of color. Not a debate, just a talk. Thanks.
Shonderick, you seem to have forgotten Asian and native American, shades of black and white. Race has nothing to do with Christ being our saviour. I am a southern whiteboy and dislike eurocentric portrayals of Christ the Lord as I said in my original post. The simple fact is that we believe in Him, I don't care if He was purple. He died for us, so that we may live , black, white or purple.We agree so can the racist jargon.
Thanks for stopping by. I understand what you are saying about needing to associate with a particular race. However, I am saying that no matter the race of Jesus, we should honor and worship him regardless. If race becomes a hindering factor in our adoration of Christ, then we are missing the fact that he came to save the lives of all of mankind.
My plea is that we do not get so caught up on the race issue, that we forget Christ's purpose. It's my idea that the movie "Color of Christ" is doing exactly what I am pleading against.
Who cares what color Jesus is? I sure don't. It gets me worked up that so many fibble minded people in America are so hung up on race. It pretty pathetic. I worship the man himslef not his skin pigmentation. People seriously need to clear their brains of the brain washing or grow up and get a clue. They're blacks that have converted to Islam, because they believe Christianity is a"white man" religion. If those poor fools would only research the Islamic relgion, they would find out that Mohammad was WHITE and not dark skin. Ignorance is no substitution for facts.
Yes we should all worship jesus despite his race but why ignore it.his race is important because it existed and effected his life as our race effects ours.a black man speaking of equality is a recurring theme in history mostly always ending in martyrdom. you did not ignore emmit teals race the fact that he was a boy was enough wasnt it.simply put to ignore the blatent truth is to willingly give up your freedom of thought and choice. in the bible it says jesus had the skin of fine brass aka "semi light skinned brother" hair nappy as wool now tell me another race thats hair is as nappy as mine is.Christ color matters because it is stated in all bibles yet ignored i say this because if you lived in before egypt before aparteid you were and as of today are dark skinned or of that similar complexion not tanned with blue eyes and wavy hair.those traits will be passed down through generations and as we know we are just as dark as our ancestors there is logical proof we have all seen different hair and black peoples is the only hair nappy as wool.race is important at all times in history because it simply exist as a part of culture as well as identity individuality .discrimination has targeted race always why not then the jews enslaved in egypts for centuries are always depicted as white or would have something to say if american slaves were depicted as white after our years of slavery so why ignore the past. if you work in the sun all day it has an effect. you get darker until finnaly your skin builds it own way to protect you and coming generations aka colored people. you overlook this because its easier to accept because your used to it.i for one will crusade to reveal this truth can make a mountain of lies crumble if man takes the liberty to manipulate the bible as he sees fit then what truth do you have but the truth you seek.
Jesus is a man of color and how many times have any of you people read through the scriptures and saw the saying " I am black unto the ground, or my skin is black but comely, or the sun hath blackened my skin? Think about it......What white, arab, or so-called jewish looking person's skin is even close to being black!? It is only when BLACK people...Hello....stay in the sun too long...that they get blacker! It is not just a figure of speech in the scriptures. No the Bible is clear and the scriptures do not lie. How can we continue to overlook what has been written in the book of life. It's more acceptable to believe that it does not matter what color christ was. It is not however, ok with God to deny the true identity of his Son. It's sad and if I was a person of noncolor I would feel bad too.
lamentations 5:8, proverbs 3:5, song of solomon 1:5,
Yeshua's color would not have mattered if He was not potrayed as White with Blue eyes. He was Black(Africian looking).The orginal Hewbrews looked African. The Bible say that He had hair like lambswool. Paul also was black he was taken for an Egyptian in the book of Acts. Moses was black,or how could the Kings daughter pass him off as her son. When Yah (God) told him to put his hand in his garment and pull it out and it was white, what color was it before? It is important to study for yourself, and let the truth set you free.
Christ was black & so were alot of his followers. Sorry if this upsets the Gentiles (heathens) etc. but once you learn the truth & accept it.......the truth shall set you free. Christ is coming the voice of TD Jakes, get ready, get ready, get ready!
Look, all you people are delusional, alright?
You folk need to go to: the truth will set you free.As for William,I think he is in denial of who he really is as a so-called black man,as well as the fact the Yah(God) was a black Hebrew.
There seems to be an issue with the colour of christ. It is very clear in daniel(10:5, yes christ was in the old testament too! revelation 1:14-15 )what colour christ was. If we continue to think jesus christ was white with blonde hair(the bible calls it yellow hair see leviticus 13:36)we acknowledge christ as unclean(leviticus 13:36-38). Now that we know what color christ was, its also very important to know his race! This is for that GOAT DUDE. His race is important because not all ppl of the earth were jews. In matthew 15:24 christ makes it clear who he came and died for"i'am not sent BUT unto the LOST SHEEP of ISRAEL" If you dont understand that, then look at deuteronomy 7:6, and look at exodus 3:14 or isaiah 45:4. All the above pertain to ONLY ISRAEL. Even tho every race in the bible was black (except for the edomites(red) or what we call white ppl today)that doesnt mean that all black ppl are his. For example the ethiopians(means burnt faces), and egyptians were black ppl but are not gods chosen ppl. The asians in the bible were black too, but werent living in asia till god put them to the men of the east(see ezekiel 25:4). Remember israel is already east, if u go further east thats china and japan today. in case ur wondering what the name of the chinese and japanese are in the bible, they are amonites(japanese) and moabites(chinese). if u google cambodians who are also asians or philippino's some of them still have a light brown skin tone. that skin tone is from the biblical days. the reason they have their skin tone now is because of a certain guy(ghengus khan, who was actually a white man by the way) who conquered asians and thus giving them the skin they have today for the most part. Yes god created all nationalities of the earth but not all ppl are his ppl. and christ emphasizes it also. So with that now u see why its important to understand his race and now nationality. and dont think about using john 3:16, that pertains to israel. At that time the israelites were scattered in different countries(greece, persia, rome etc..) and thats what the term "world" meant in that context. And if ur thinking about the term "gentiles" that term was used on israelites who were living the gentile lifestyle(mothers day, christmas, valentines day, etc) gentiles is originally a nickname for the other nations that were not israel.
Seing that this entire blog has not been updated this blog in over five years, I am hoping that you were able to shake away from your false condition. Christ was more than likely a black male. For proof of that you need only look in the bible. When CHRIST was a baby, Mary and Joseph hid in Egypt to escape CHRIST from being killed. Egypt during that time period was full of kinky haired dark skinned people. CHRIST salvation is for EVERYONE. Color does matter. How? So many people are going to be fooled by a none black (white) ANTI-christ that is going to send them straight to hell. So, yes, race is important.
what gets me is, that no one debates the colour of christ until you say he was black.Thats when you get excuses like it doesn't matter or christ was middle eastern.He could of been any nationality of colour, but not black. His hair on his head was like pure wool, what people have that type of hair [negriod] people thats who.We all of a sudden forget jokes about us like having nappy, knotty,or wooly hair.If i was looking for a black man with wooly hair and wearing a red shirt and blue pants, and i arested a white person with stright hair, red shirt,and blue pants, I bet it would matter to that white person.1John2:21
Right now I believe God is lookn down to His people with pity. How small minded can we still be? N where do we get that Christ' hair was black? In rev. When it says His eyes were like blazing Fire, his head And hair were" White like wool" as white as snow. His feet were like bronze "glowing in a furnace" not even a hint of talk of a Black or White man. Open your eyes! It describes a Spiritual Being. His face was shining like the sun! Christ was of the line of David, hebrew. Not a "black hebrew" like black isrealites prob. Think. He was neither white nor black! Nor is the color bronze "Even close to Black" 4real guys? CHRIST IS SPIRIT OF GOD IN MAN LIKE FORM. WE ARE ALL MADE IN HIS IMAGE. The jewish carpenter was not a black or white man. And the savior nailed to the cross was not a white or black man. The resurected Christ was not a white or black man. HE WAS AND IS THE LAMB OF GOD. Made into man in a color that fits right in the middle of all the shades of the human race. Tan with dark hair. And Now He is Spirit of God. He has no "skin color" nor will we when we become "like the Angels in heaven! Mark 12:25 There is no way to contest what "I Stated" because it is TRUTH. Daniel. Grace and Peace to you all. May you grow out of your spiritual pampers and stop looking at skin color!
The Original Hebrews were black.
Why are you upset. Why aren't u upset with the white Jesus in the Hollywood movies. And they always make the black co stars servants
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