Monday, January 30, 2006

Bush Bashing

Why do we continually have to deal with the liberal persuasion whenever it comes to our current president? It seems that there are a series of plays in Manhattan which discuss and address many of the shortcomings of our current administration.

My frustation comes in whenever I consider that much of this liberal persuasion is so far left that the good deeds of the administration are drowned in the sea of lies and biases. To me, that's not good reporting, nor is it a good represenation of the leader of our nation.

I will always think that Bush has made some decisions that I am against. Yet, his reasoning, I can sometimes understand. Other times I cannot. But, to highlight the downfalls of his administration alone seems to be naive and irresponsible.

I am not asking that liberals become conservative - just sensible.

Bush Bashing

Why do we continually have to deal with the liberal persuasion whenever it comes to our current president? It seems that there are a series of plays in Manhattan which discuss and address many of the shortcomings of our current administration.

My frustation comes in whenever I consider that much of this liberal persuasion is so far left that the good deeds of the administration are drowned in the sea of lies and biases. To me, that's not good reporting, nor is it a good represenation of the leader of our nation.

I will always think that Bush has made some decisions that I am against. Yet, his reasoning, I can sometimes understand. Other times I cannot. But, to highlight the downfalls of his administration alone seems to be naive and irresponsible.

I am not asking that liberals become conservative - just sensible.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I have noticed that there are quite a few things happening in the news today. I have found it difficult to pinpoint an issue that invokes thought while enabling me to express my full opinion on the matter. We are aware of the threats made by Osama about which we all have our own opinions. On that, I respect our governments rigidity: 'The United States does not negotiate with terrorists.'

However, my concern arises regarding our distant but relatively loyal French government. Jacques Chirac has announced that a terrorist attack in France will result in France using nuclear weapons on the accused nation. I think that such rash decisions should be more closely considered.

Our world has seen the lasting effects of nuclear warfare. We know that such tactics are brutal and inhumane although necessary under the most impossible conditions. That said, we have not fully seen the force of terrorism. Therefore, we should truly consider that a nuclear attack would not only harm more innocent lives, but it would ultimately ignite the fires of our enemies. Are we seriously prepared for such global animosity? Tensions are high enough already. I think that nuclear warfare should be a last resort, not the primary.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Carolina Panthers

I must preface this by saying that I am 100% a Kansity Chiefs Fan! However, I AM an North Carolinian so my Carolina Panthers are a very close second. I did like the Chiefs before the Panthers were established; that's the only reason Carolina is not number one to me.

That said, the Panthers are in the NFC Championship and I cannot be more excited. I was in Charlotte earlier, but I could not await the return of the Panthers at Bank of America stadium.

Anyway, if you need to pull for a team to win the NFC Championship and the Super Bowl, you can always cheer for the the Panthers. Thanks for your allegiance.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Complaints about the Administration

Rev. Al Sharpton is a man whom I do respect. I respect him because he is able to stand behind a cause while persevering to see the cause to the end. I respect him because I think that he is a genuine man who honestly believes everything that he says. I don't think that his motives are impure in that he is simply rallying Blacks and members of the democratic party for his own personal gain. And for that, I do respect him.

However, I completely disagree with his arguments and with his approach. In a recent article in the Darthmouth Online Al Sharpton addresses the Bush administration and its inadequacies. The article mentions that Sharpton's remarks trail closely behind the upcoming MLK holiday. I find that personally disturbing for two reasons: 1) MLK never wanted to enforce a racial divide and 2) MLK represented positive empowerment of the people. Al Sharpton has stomped on both of these issues by bitterly reminding people of the past rather than invoking them to change the future.

For anyone to still complain about the response to Katrina is absurd to me. There are other issues that these survivors have to deal with, and placing the blame is not one of them. Sharpton brought up the infamous Liberal Trump Card WMD in Iraq. But what so many people fail to realize is that "[Iraq] Confirmed to UN in 1995 that it had a clandestine nuclear weapons scheme following revelations by Saddam Hussein's brother-in-law who had defected."

I give no credibility to arguments that simply criticize and point out inadequacies because such arguments do not aid the development of our nation. What we need to do as a nation - as patriots to the United States - is recognize our shortcomings and mistakes, correct them, and set up infrastructures that will keep such from reoccurring.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Alito thinks the Same Thing

I have been away for a while due to inconsistencies with my internet access, and for that I do apologize.

Judge Alito was forced to defend his 1991 decision for believing that a man should have the right to decide if a his child should be aborted. It's interesting to me because I was having the same thoughts a few days ago before this issue with Alito emerged.

I find it disturbing that a man cannot decide if his child will be aborted, but if the woman keeps the child he could be forced to pay child support. This inconsistency says to me that the woman is not entirely responsible for the life of the child as our liberal friends have made it seem. In North Carolina, child support is about 367 dollars a month. That's not much considering the challenges of raising a child, but it only shows that our government policy indicates that the man, too, is responsible.

That said, I think that it's necessary for the father to be granted the same ability to be responsible in the case of abortions. There is no reason for a wife to be able to make an automonous decision about a child that belongs to both her and her husband. And I'd even go as far as to say that an unmarried man deserves that right as well. One songwriter puts it this way: "It takes two to make a thing go right, It takes two to put it out of sight." There's a bit of validity in that.